2019 Survey

Take part in our survey and be entered into our prize draw to win over £200 worth of fencing equipment generously donated by of RAPPA. The draw will be made on the 1st August.

How are you involved in the sheep industry?
If you own/manage sheep, what size is your flock?
How did you hear about the Sheep South West Event?
On a scale 1-5 how much did you enjoy the event?
How far would you be prepared to travel for the event?
As we start to think about Sheep South West 2021, please help us plan the event by telling us what you would like to see more or less of next time
Would you like to be contacted by the NSA regarding future events and activities?
You can remove yourself from the contact list at any time by contacting the Ian May at ian@nationalsheep.org.uk).
GDPR - Data will be stored securely by the NSA and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. NSA complies fully with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Click here for our NSA Privacy Policy and full terms and conditions .